electoral college

[ɪˈlektərəl ˈkɔlidʒ]
  • 释义
  • 选举团(各州选出总统与副总统的选举);

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    B. It will be decided by popular vote instead of the Electoral College.


  • 2、

    No, your son couldn't get into the electoral college no matter how good his marks are.

    不行, 无论你儿子的成绩多好,他也进不了选举团.

  • 3、

    Under normal circumstances, the Electoral College vote but routine.

    一般情况下, 选举人团投票表决只是例行公事.

  • 4、

    And the electoral college system ( All ballot the winner ) prevents candidates of third parties from singlevote.

    “胜者得 全票 制”从选票计算方面抵消了第三党的努力.

  • 5、

    Each state has as many votes in the Electoral College as it has members in Congress.


  • 6、

    Electoral College Plan itself was the compromise of various interests at the constitutional convention in 1787.


  • 7、

    In the USA the Electoral College elects the president.


  • 8、

    The party's electoral college consists of party members, MPs and trade unions and other affiliated bodies.

    工党选举团由党员 、 议员、工会及其附属机构组成.

  • 9、

    The Constitution of the U.S. originally provided that the president was to be indirectly elected by an electoral college.


  • 10、

    The electoral college plays a huge role in the election process.


  • 11、

    An American president is not chosen directly by the people. Instead, an Electoral College is used.

    美国总统不是由人民直接选举出来的. 而是由选举委员会.

  • 12、

    The Electoral College is an important part of the American presidential selection institution.


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